+11Nanjing Oriental Chinese SchoolThe first school I taught at in China. I liked the kids and the teachers here. +2Deluge 2003It rained, and rained, and rained. I was happy to be living on the third floor! +24Various Pictures of NanjingThese are various images from in and around Nanjing when I lived there in 2002-2003. +2Snow 2003It doesn't snow often in Nanjing, so we all took advantage of a heavy, wet snowfall to play a bit. +10Space MuseumA traveling space museum came to Nanjing and Hanhan's friends invited us to go since they knew I follow space travel. +8Nanjing ZooThe zoo in Nanjing is better than many in China, but still not an animal friendly place. Ma'anshan Photo AlbumsTravel