The Washington Metro is not busy at all! It is DEEP underground though.
Christmas dinner was sichuan, very spicy and delicious. Look at how fast Hanhan was eating, the chopsticks were a blur!
Smithsonian Castle, Hanhan is on the rooftop garden. It is absolutely beautiful.
Pretending to appreciate Chinese art
This is part of a funeral couch. Very intricate.
Chinese Buddhist sculpture from over 1000 years ago
Chinese bronze mirrors from 1800+ years ago. These are usually found in graves.
Chinese wine vessels.
Hanhan and the Man on the Moon mural
Apollo Lunar module
Lindbergh's Spirit of St Louis
Apollo 11 Command Module. This brought the first men on the Moon back to Earth.
Saturn V main engines. Most powerful rocket ever made.
Horrible spiders are everywhere in DC
Your ancestor. Yes, you.
Benjamin Franklin working on another of his sayings. A penny saved is a penny earned.
Courthouse used for meetings by the Continental Congress in Philadelphia.
Independence Hall. This is where the Declaration of Independence was dabated and signed. The chair has a sunburst on the top with 13 rays coming from it. After the signing, Ben Franklin said "This represents a rising sun". He was correct.
There were 56 delegates in this room debating the declaration.
Gary in Independance Hall
Statue of George Washington outside Independence Hall
The first Congress was also held in this location. This is the Senate Chambers.
A nice view of Independence Hall and the cobblestone street
Symbol of freedom, the Liberty Bell
Three American icons.
Two tired travelers selfie
Benjamin Franklin's invention, the glass armonica Very cool