Assembling the stand for our tree.Untieing the tree after the ice melted.The tree before it thawed.Hanhan and our tree ready to decorate. Hanhan putting the finishing touches on the tree.Hanhan & Gary with their beautiful Christmas tree.The "Christmas Corner"The gifts protected by the Christmas dog! Nativity scene and our stockings.Linda with the cookie ingredients. Yum!Sugar cookies ready for frosting.Baked cookies next to cookies getting ready for the oven. Sugar cookie assembly line!Finished product, they were delicious!Hanhan is in charge of the green cookies.Putting the sprinkles on. Another layer of yummy cookies ready for Christmas Eve.Laying out the chocolate chip cookies.Testing the chocolate chip cookies with a glass of icy cold milk!Mixing another batch of chocolate chip cookies. A box of chocolate chip ready to go.Hanhan opening a gift from Linda.A lovely shirt.Hanhan pulling a nice sweater out of its box. See, a perfect fit, thanks Linda!Santa Ed and his newest grandson.Hanhan with Ed's tree.Bob, Linda, and Hanhan enjoying the snack table. Hanhan deciding what to eat next.The family just enjoying the day and the company.In the kitchen eating and talking.Hanhan's favorite place at the Christmas gathering. Two of the girls playing.Hanhan and Gary with their elf hats.Tina's Christmas elf, Cassie.Boys with swords. Riley waiting patiently for time to open gifts.Kids running through the house.We can spot Santa coming miles away!The angel on top of Ed's tree. Gift opening time is near.Last chance for snacks before gift time!Jason is the official gift elf.Mario has opened his gift from Hanhan. Checking out what others have received.Kids checking out their gifts and looking for more.Hanhan trying on her earring.Everyone is looking at Hanhan to see if she likes her present. Scott carrying more gifts to the family.Hanhan opening another gift.It's a beautiful necklace to match the earrings!Don is in good cheer! Holly, Don, and Scott enjoying the day.People talking about what they got from Santa.The chili was delicious, wears well too!Gary & Hanhan's gifts seconds before they were torn open. Hanhan likes her stocking stuffers.As we all know, bad girls get coal.Smiling Hanhan with candy canes!Hanhan tears into a big present. It's a bag for her new laptop!Gary, in his Christmas suit, opening a gift.Hanhan opening her last gift.It's a tiny mouse for her tiny hands! Christmas In PeoriaAutumn In Illinois