Yellowstone National Park

An exquisitely beautiful place
Bison on the road into West Yellowstone, Montana. I like deer better...
Hanhan, finally at Yellowstone Park!
Bison have the right of way. These had been walking down the middle of the road.
Hanhan and her binoculars near one of the falls here.
A goethermal area. Impressive, and all over Yellowstone.
Grandaddy bison. Look at his horns. Bison jerky is very tasty!
Seeing (and smelling) the ground steam is quite odd.
Old Faithful Lodge is the most impressive one of the lodges I've been in.
The clock in the lobby, it has fireplaces the size of garages at its base.
Each pole is one piece made of lodgepole pine.
One the second floor enjoying the warmth on a chilly day.
On the porch of the lodge awaiting the eruption of Old Faithful.
Old faithful. And the geyser too.
The Old Faithful area.
Old Faithful certainly is. The prediction was for 9:50, and it is 9:50!
The lodge is a great place, we'll stay here next visit.
Castle Geyser with chilly Hanhan.
The first of the pools, Shield Geyser.
This was the stinkiest place in the park.
The crust around the water is brittle, fall through and be cooked like a hotdog!
This is an empty geyser, the steam is there but no water.
See the boiling water?
You have to stay on the wooden trail all through this area.
The wooden trail has to be moved often due to the changing geysers.
Small vent 'erupting'.
This is a great example of what we walked though for miles.
Two connected pools of boiling water. Heat from magma, very neat!
The colors come from living things that react to heat. The blue is the hottest area yellow coolest.
Economic Geyser. So named because it does not waste energy. See the color? Even.
Another geyser hole.
Beauty pool, with a beauty!
Aromatic Pool. We'll leave it to your imagination.
Giant Geyser. All the geysers have a note of when it last erupted. Some only erupt once a year.
The grotto, a tree stump is encased by the minerals left behind by the vapors.
This one erupts from the middle and from the sides.
The whole marsh is steaming, yet alive.
I have no idea who will follow the chain into the depths.
Steamy river.
Notice the trees in the background. This geyser is recent.
A look into Morning Glory geyser.
This is the most beautiful pool geyser in the park.
Shows how people kill geysers.
Picture showing the working of Grotto Geyser.
Bear area. This is the only one I saw in the park!
Daisy geyser area, barren and dangerous.
The walkway through the area.
A bubbling geyser, most do not shoot into the sky.
The 1930s Old Faithful Lodge, built by WPA labor.
One of the streams through the park.
Hanhan showing her tummy to attract bears.
Snow! It did snow on us a bit later in our visit.
A plaque explaining the Continental Divide.
One foot to the Atlantic, one to the Pacific.
Far away over the mountains.
Still icy with snowy peaks in the background.
A mule deer eating, this is the male.
A mud pot, full of hot mud.
The paint pots, different color mud.
A little castle geyser, looks like a volcano.
Connected pools. One erupts, then drains into the other which erupts.
Yellowstone Lake.
Geyser area near the lake.
Ice on the lake melting at last.
Fire damage from the 1980s is still evident.
Miles and miles of this is still here.
Mud Cauldron.
Life can exist anywhere, like this geothermal area.
See how hot this is? All from the Earth.
A pretty view down a valley.
The white dot to the upper left of the tree is a female wolf. There is a black male just above her.
And these are what the wolves are watching. Bison, it's what's for dinner!
Trumpter swans. They have a protected area in Yellowstone.
Upriver from the falls.
Near the brink of the falls.
Brink of the Upper falls. You could feel the ground shake from the falling water!
Grand Canyon of Yellowstone.
Impressive and I never knew it was there.
Roaring Mountain. Named because of the sound steam makes as it escapes from far below the surface.
Mammoth Hot Springs, the white rock is the most active area.
This area is ever changing as you can see here.
The old area stairsteps down.
Very bleak yet beautiful place.
The little pool that creates the white rock.
Hanhan at the edge of the active area.
The old main gate of the park at the North Entrance. Dedicated by Teddy Roosevelt.
The custom wiring at our hotel. Gave me a warm feeling.
Look! Color TV by RCA!
Our room was a period piece from the 50s. No telephone!
Pull right up to the door of your room.
Look closely at the Colonel.